Gabriela Kroetch

for MN House 55A

Hello, neighbors! I’m Gabriela, running for the Minnesota House of Representatives to bring positive change to Savage and Burnsville. Born and raised in Czechoslovakia under the communist regime, I have a deep appreciation for the freedoms and opportunities we have here in America. My vision for our community is one of unity and prosperity. We are all Americans first and together we can build a stronger, safer, and more vibrant community here in District 55A and all across Minnesota.


Hello, neighbors! I’m Gabriela, running for the Minnesota House of Representatives to bring positive change to Savage and Burnsville. Born and raised in Czechoslovakia under the communist regime, I have a deep appreciation for the freedoms and opportunities we have here in America. My vision for our community is one of unity and prosperity. We are all Americans first and together we can build a stronger, safer, and more vibrant community here in District 55A and all across Minnesota.


Quality Education

I am committed to ensuring our schools have the resources needed to provide excellent education for all children. Our funding needs to be directed towards teachers in classrooms instead of growing administration at the state level.

Fiscal Responsibility

I oppose the $18 billion in reckless spending and the additional $10 billion in new taxes. We need prudent financial management to ensure a stable future.

Public Safety

I support our police and advocate for consistent prosecution of criminals. We must address the shortage of officers to keep our neighborhoods safe.

Economic Growth

I will work to boost our local economy, support small businesses, and create job opportunities for our residents.

Community Engagement

I value every resident’s voice and will work collaboratively to address our community’s needs.

My Vision for Savage and Burnsville

My vision for Savage and Burnsville is one of unity and prosperity, where we come together as Americans first and foremost, setting aside our political differences to build a stronger, more vibrant community. I believe in fostering an environment where every resident feels valued and heard, where our local economy thrives, and our schools and public services are second to none. By working collaboratively, we can ensure that our neighborhoods are safe, our businesses flourish, and our children have access to the best educational opportunities. Together, let’s create a future where Savage and Burnsville are models of community spirit, innovation, and shared success.

Why I’m Running

I am running for the Minnesota House of Representatives because our community deserves responsible leadership and a voice that prioritizes fiscal responsibility, public safety, and common-sense governance. The reckless spending of $18 billion by the Minnesota Democrats in the previous session is deeply concerning. Instead of ensuring financial stability, they have exhausted our resources and raised additional taxes amounting to nearly $10 billion. This burden falls on the hardworking families and small businesses of Minnesota, making it harder for them to thrive and prosper. It’s time to bring accountability and prudent financial management back to our state government.

Public safety is another critical issue that demands immediate attention. The current leadership has failed to prosecute criminals consistently, fostering an environment where lawlessness can flourish. The anti-police rhetoric approved by the Democrats has further demoralized our law enforcement officers, contributing to a severe shortage of police personnel across Minnesota. We are currently short by 1,000 officers, and an additional 2,400 are set to retire in the next two years. This is unacceptable and poses a significant threat to the safety and well-being of our communities.

Our brave men and women in blue deserve our full support and respect. They put their lives on the line daily to protect us, and we must ensure they have the resources and backing they need to do their jobs effectively. I am committed to advocating for policies that strengthen our police force, ensure justice is served, and restore a sense of security in our neighborhoods.

My campaign is dedicated to addressing these pressing issues head-on and working towards solutions that benefit all Minnesotans. With your support, we can bring about the change our state desperately needs. Together, let’s build a safer, more prosperous Minnesota for everyone.

About Me

Meet Gabriela, a passionate advocate for freedom and democracy with a compelling life story rooted in resilience and perseverance. Born and raised in Czechoslovakia during the final years of a brutal communist regime, Gabriela experienced firsthand the challenges of life under an oppressive government. Her family’s steadfast faith and determination in the face of adversity have shaped her strong commitment to liberty and human rights.

After moving to the United States, Gabriela brought with her a deep-seated belief in the power of community and civic engagement. She has dedicated her life to serving others, striving to create a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Gabriela’s unique background and unwavering dedication make her a powerful voice for positive change.

Now, as a candidate for the Minnesota House of Representatives for the city of Savage and part of Burnsville, Gabriela is ready to bring her passion and experience to the forefront, working tirelessly for a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

Join Gabriela on her journey to make a lasting impact in our community. Together, we can build a better tomorrow.